(650) 575-1408

About Us

About Judyann of Judyann Healing

“My background is outpatient orthopaedic physical therapy and I currently do Craniosacral therapy, Bio Energetic therapy and Structural Integration therapy
I have 35 years of experience in the field of manual therapy.
Over the years I’ve studied many different manual therapy modalities.


Who We Are

We practice Craniosacral therapy, Bio Energetic therapy and Structural Integration therapy
We listen to the body and utilize what the Body is calling for in order to implement the various manual techniques.

Your session can consist of mainly all manual therapy, or it can be energetic work or deep emotional work depending on how your body specifically is directing the session



What We Do

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy also known as CST is a form of massage therapy that is applied to the body’s cranio sacral system that is connected to the brain and spine.

Structural Integration

Structural Integration is balancing and aligning the body as well as unwinding and unravelling strain patterns within the body

Bio-Energy Balancing

Bioenergy Balancing is a discipline of bodywork based in both the Western medical principles of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry as well as Eastern traditions of chi (body energy) and the meridian/chakra system through which body energy travels

Plan a Visit

JudyAnn welcomes you to JudyAnn Healing.

Visit us to enjoy and experience our therapeutic services

Come On In

Visit Us At:

1026 Brookdale Lane

Stanley, NC 28164



Get In Touch

By Phone at:

1 (650) 575-1408